
Proximus, BESIX en i.Leco richten aug·e op, leider in slimme gebouwen en energietransitie

BESIX, Proximus en i.Leco kondigen met trots de oprichting aan van aug∙e, een applicatieplatform voor slimme gebouwen dat de expertise van de partners inzake gebouwen, ICT en energie bundelt. Deze oprichting volgt op het verwerven van participaties door BESIX en Proximus – toonaangevende actoren in de bouw en ICT – in i.Leco, een technologische start-up

Proximus, BESIX en i.Leco richten aug·e op, leider in slimme gebouwen en energietransitie Lees verder »

The LIGHTNESS project!

LIGHTNESS is a Horizon 2020 EU funded project carried out by 13 partners from across Europe that aim to increase the penetration of Renewable Energy Sources, to achieve the EU target for 2030 of at least 32% of final energy consumption. All that by supporting the market uptake of Citizen Energy Communities through a low-cost

The LIGHTNESS project! Lees verder »

The HESTIA project!

HESTIA is an EU funded Horizon 2020 project developing a cost-effective solution for the next-generation demand-side response services by encouraging residential consumers to engage in flexibility sharing and grid balancing. User-personalised services will help lay the foundation for an open marketplace and a new grid reality. The HESTIA consortium is composed of 19 partners from

The HESTIA project! Lees verder »